Top 4 Things Baseball Fans Need to Know

Baseball is one of the most-watched sports in the United States, with Major League Baseball (MLB) Opening Day games drawing in millions of viewers. According to the World Baseball Softball Confederation, people in over 140 countries enjoy playing baseball, and softball, with an estimated 65 million participants overall. If you are a lover of all things baseball, then here are four things you need to know about this popular sport.

Major League Baseball Rivalries

Major League Baseball has been in existence since 1903 when the National League (NL) and the American League (AL) merged to become one. With an extensive history and a huge following of baseball fans in the states, it is no wonder that MLB has some of the most intense rivalries in all sport. Some of the top MLB rivalries include the Los Angeles Dodgers versus the San Francisco Giants, the Chicago Cubs versus the St. Louis Cardinals, and the Atlanta Braves versus the New York Mets. However, the Boston Red Sox and the New York Yankees are arguably the biggest rivalries in baseball history. This rivalry has been going on for more than a century and has produced jaw-dropping moments between the two teams. One such moment was in 1978 during a one-game playoff where Bucky Dent hit a run that gave the Yankees the lead.

Virtual Baseball

Baseball is an exhilarating sport, unfortunately, it is not always possible to participate physically. Luckily in today’s world, electronic sports are rising in popularity with the e-sports market on track to surpass $1.5B by 2023. Nowadays, baseball fans can participate in online simulation baseball games and create dream teams made up of Major League Baseball players. These simulated games are a fusion of real-life sports and online gaming and can make participants feel incredibly involved, without actually playing the sport or watching a game. Virtual baseball offers a healthy dose of competition and participants can gain a sense of community when playing it. Fantasy baseball is fantastic for hardcore baseball fans but can also be enjoyed by people who like to watch the odd game now and then. Fantasy baseball is easy to pick up and can enhance your baseball viewing experience.

Longest Game in History

Baseball is a game that can go on for hours and the longest game in Major League Baseball history was completed in two days. The game between the Chicago White Sox and the Milwaukee Brewers in 1984 lasted eight hours and six minutes and ended with a 7-6 win for the Chicago White Sox.

Black Underwear

One trivial fact that not all baseball fans know is that Major League Baseball umpires are required to wear black underwear while they mediate a game. Although some jobs do require a uniform, this dress code is unusual by all standards. According to Bleacher Report, the reason behind this unique rule is in case their pants split mid-game.

When you think about the excessive bends and squats, it does make sense for this dress code to be enforced. In case of a wardrobe malfunction, all attention will stay on the game rather than on the umpire’s underwear.